W4 Choose Punctuation to Avoid Fragments and Runons Ixl Language Arts Answers

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Skills available for Singapore higher 1 English linguistic communication curriculum

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G Develop knowledge of grammar for the purposeful use of language at the word, phrase, sentence and text levels.

  • Utilise of Terms

    • Chiliad.LO1 Use metalanguage for learning and talking about language structures and language in use

      • G.LO1.1 Metalanguage (Secondary)

        • G.LO1.1.a Revisit and reinforce knowledge and utilise of grammatical terms

  • Grammar at Word, Phrase and Judgement Levels

    • Thou.LO4 Apply knowledge of grammatical rules at word, phrase and sentence levels

      • G.LO4.1 At Give-and-take, Phrase and Sentence Levels (Secondary)

        • Thou.LO4.1.a Revise knowledge of grammatical rules at the word, phrase and sentence levels

        • G.LO4.1.b Use error analysis to:

          • G.LO4.1.b.1 identify errors

            • Place sentences with parallel structure ( H1-J.three )
            • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H1-J.5 )
            • Identify and correct errors with frequently confused words ( H1-K.2 )
            • Identify and correct errors with ofttimes confused pronouns and contractions ( H1-Grand.3 )
            • Correct errors with commonly misspelled words ( H1-K.4 )
            • Right errors in everyday apply ( H1-Grand.v )
            • Advise appropriate revisions ( H1-K.half dozen )
            • Utilize the right homophone ( H1-O.1 )
            • Identify and right errors with homophones ( H1-O.2 )
            • Utilize dictionary entries to determine correct usage ( H1-Q.v )
            • Identify sentence fragments ( H1-T.1 )
            • Identify run-on sentences ( H1-T.2 )
            • Identify and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H1-V.one )
            • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H1-Five.4 )
            • Place vague pronoun references ( H1-V.7 )
            • Identify and correct errors with bailiwick-verb agreement ( H1-X.one )
            • Place and right errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H1-10.2 )
            • Identify and correct verb understanding with compound subjects ( H1-X.three )
            • Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense ( H1-Y.iii )
            • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H1-AA.ane )
            • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H1-AA.2 )
            • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H1-AA.3 )
            • Decide whether ellipses are used accordingly ( H1-EE.three )
            • Place and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( H1-FF.1 )
            • Identify and correct errors with compound and joint possession ( H1-FF.2 )
            • Correct capitalisation errors ( H1-GG.ane )
            • Identify sentences with parallel construction ( H2-J.3 )
            • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H2-J.5 )
            • Identify and correct errors with frequently confused words ( H2-M.2 )
            • Identify and right errors with frequently confused pronouns and contractions ( H2-Yard.iii )
            • Correct errors with commonly misspelled words ( H2-K.4 )
            • Correct errors in everyday use ( H2-K.5 )
            • Suggest appropriate revisions ( H2-One thousand.6 )
            • Use the correct homophone ( H2-O.1 )
            • Identify and correct errors with homophones ( H2-O.2 )
            • Apply dictionary entries to determine right usage ( H2-Q.5 )
            • Identify sentence fragments ( H2-T.1 )
            • Place run-on sentences ( H2-T.2 )
            • Place and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H2-Five.ane )
            • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H2-5.4 )
            • Identify vague pronoun references ( H2-V.seven )
            • Place and correct errors with subject-verb agreement ( H2-X.1 )
            • Identify and right errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H2-10.two )
            • Identify and correct verb agreement with compound subjects ( H2-X.iii )
            • Place and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense ( H2-Y.iii )
            • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H2-AA.1 )
            • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H2-AA.two )
            • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H2-AA.3 )
            • Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately ( H2-EE.3 )
            • Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( H2-FF.i )
            • Identify and correct errors with chemical compound and joint possession ( H2-FF.2 )
            • Correct capitalisation errors ( H2-GG.1 )
          • G.LO4.1.b.2 define errors

          • Thou.LO4.1.b.three explain rule

        • Chiliad.LO4.one.c Edit errors

          • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H1-J.five )
          • Identify and right errors with often confused words ( H1-Yard.2 )
          • Identify and correct errors with frequently confused pronouns and contractions ( H1-Yard.3 )
          • Correct errors with commonly misspelled words ( H1-K.4 )
          • Correct errors in everyday use ( H1-Thou.five )
          • Employ the correct homophone ( H1-O.1 )
          • Identify and correct errors with homophones ( H1-O.2 )
          • Place and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H1-V.1 )
          • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H1-V.4 )
          • Identify and correct errors with subject-verb agreement ( H1-X.1 )
          • Identify and correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H1-X.2 )
          • Place and right verb agreement with compound subjects ( H1-X.3 )
          • Place and right inappropriate shifts in verb tense ( H1-Y.3 )
          • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H1-AA.1 )
          • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H1-AA.2 )
          • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H1-AA.three )
          • Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( H1-FF.i )
          • Identify and right errors with compound and articulation possession ( H1-FF.2 )
          • Correct capitalisation errors ( H1-GG.1 )
          • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H2-J.v )
          • Identify and right errors with frequently confused words ( H2-K.two )
          • Place and correct errors with oft dislocated pronouns and contractions ( H2-K.3 )
          • Correct errors with commonly misspelled words ( H2-K.4 )
          • Correct errors in everyday use ( H2-K.5 )
          • Use the correct homophone ( H2-O.one )
          • Identify and correct errors with homophones ( H2-O.2 )
          • Identify and correct errors with bailiwick and object pronouns ( H2-V.1 )
          • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H2-5.iv )
          • Place and correct errors with subject-verb agreement ( H2-X.1 )
          • Identify and correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H2-X.2 )
          • Identify and correct verb agreement with chemical compound subjects ( H2-Ten.iii )
          • Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense ( H2-Y.3 )
          • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H2-AA.one )
          • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H2-AA.2 )
          • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H2-AA.3 )
          • Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( H2-FF.1 )
          • Identify and correct errors with compound and joint possession ( H2-FF.ii )
          • Correct capitalisation errors ( H2-GG.one )
        • G.LO4.ane.d Utilize understanding of linguistic communication rules and conventions to construct sentences which are well put together in a meaningful way (e.g., vary the way in which a sentence is written by building in clauses in a variety of ways)

          • Transitions with conjunctive adverbs ( H1-J.one )
          • Avoid double, illogical and unclear comparisons ( H1-J.ii )
          • Identify sentences with parallel construction ( H1-J.3 )
          • Utilize parallel construction ( H1-J.4 )
          • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H1-J.five )
          • Identify sentence fragments ( H1-T.1 )
          • Identify run-on sentences ( H1-T.2 )
          • Choose punctuation to avoid fragments and run-ons ( H1-T.three )
          • Is information technology a phrase or a clause? ( H1-U.1 )
          • Identify prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
          • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
          • Identify dependent and independent clauses ( H1-U.4 )
          • Is the sentence uncomplicated, compound, complex or chemical compound-complex? ( H1-U.five )
          • Combine sentences using relative clauses ( H1-U.6 )
          • Place participles and what they modify ( H1-W.3 )
          • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H1-W.4 )
          • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H1-Westward.five )
          • Identify and correct errors with discipline-verb agreement ( H1-10.1 )
          • Place and correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H1-10.2 )
          • Place and correct verb agreement with chemical compound subjects ( H1-X.iii )
          • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H1-AA.1 )
          • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H1-AA.2 )
          • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H1-AA.3 )
          • Commas with non-restrictive elements ( H1-BB.1 )
          • Commas with direct addresses, introductory elements, absolute phrases, interjections, interrupters and antithetical phrases ( H1-CC.1 )
          • Commas with compound, circuitous and compound-complex sentences ( H1-CC.two )
          • Commas: review ( H1-CC.four )
          • Join sentences with semicolons, colons and commas ( H1-DD.1 )
          • Employ semicolons and commas to dissever items in a series ( H1-DD.ii )
          • Use colons and commas to innovate lists, quotations and appositives ( H1-DD.three )
          • Semicolons, colons and commas: review ( H1-DD.iv )
          • Use dashes ( H1-EE.1 )
          • Make up one's mind whether ellipses are used accordingly ( H1-EE.3 )
          • Transitions with conjunctive adverbs ( H2-J.1 )
          • Avoid double, casuistic and unclear comparisons ( H2-J.ii )
          • Identify sentences with parallel construction ( H2-J.3 )
          • Use parallel structure ( H2-J.iv )
          • Remove redundant words or phrases ( H2-J.5 )
          • Place sentence fragments ( H2-T.1 )
          • Identify run-on sentences ( H2-T.2 )
          • Choose punctuation to avoid fragments and run-ons ( H2-T.3 )
          • Is it a phrase or a clause? ( H2-U.one )
          • Identify prepositional phrases ( H2-U.2 )
          • Place appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.3 )
          • Identify dependent and independent clauses ( H2-U.four )
          • Is the judgement simple, chemical compound, complex or chemical compound-complex? ( H2-U.five )
          • Combine sentences using relative clauses ( H2-U.6 )
          • Identify participles and what they modify ( H2-W.3 )
          • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H2-Westward.4 )
          • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H2-W.v )
          • Identify and correct errors with subject area-verb understanding ( H2-Ten.1 )
          • Identify and correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement ( H2-10.two )
          • Place and correct verb agreement with compound subjects ( H2-Ten.iii )
          • Misplaced modifiers with pictures ( H2-AA.one )
          • Select the misplaced or dangling modifier ( H2-AA.2 )
          • Are the modifiers used correctly? ( H2-AA.iii )
          • Commas with non-restrictive elements ( H2-BB.one )
          • Commas with straight addresses, introductory elements, accented phrases, interjections, interrupters and antonymous phrases ( H2-CC.i )
          • Commas with compound, circuitous and compound-complex sentences ( H2-CC.2 )
          • Commas: review ( H2-CC.4 )
          • Join sentences with semicolons, colons and commas ( H2-DD.ane )
          • Use colons and commas to introduce lists, quotations and appositives ( H2-DD.2 )
          • Employ semicolons and commas to split items in a series ( H2-DD.three )
          • Semicolons, colons and commas: review ( H2-DD.iv )
          • Use dashes ( H2-EE.1 )
          • Make up one's mind whether ellipses are used appropriately ( H2-EE.3 )
        • M.LO4.1.e Utilise understanding of language rules and conventions to aid reading (e.g., deduce the pregnant of a word through recognition of its form and function)

          • Decide the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( H1-Northward.v )
          • Place prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
          • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
          • Identify transitive and intransitive verbs ( H1-Due west.1 )
          • Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H1-Westward.2 )
          • Identify participles and what they alter ( H1-Westward.iii )
          • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H1-W.four )
          • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H1-West.5 )
          • Place prepositional phrases ( H2-U.2 )
          • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.iii )
          • Place transitive and intransitive verbs ( H2-Westward.1 )
          • Place linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H2-Westward.2 )
          • Identify participles and what they modify ( H2-W.three )
          • Place gerunds and their functions ( H2-West.4 )
          • Place infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H2-W.v )
  • Grammar at Text Level

    • G.LO5 Bear witness understanding of how the purposeful use of language shapes pregnant in texts

      • G.LO5.1 Cohesion in Texts (Secondary)

        • Yard.LO5.ane.a Use cohesive devices to create links across different clauses, sentences and paragraphs:

          • G.LO5.1.a.one Reference:

            • G.LO5.i.a.i.ane referring back a) personal pronouns: to refer to someone already described (eastward.g., Lina was thrilled. She had won a prize.) b) use of quantifiers: another, both, each, every, other, either, neither (e.g., John and Mei walked in. Both were early.) c) utilise of demonstratives: this/ these, that/ those (e.g., Help yourself to the refreshments. These were prepared past Mei.) d) certain adjectives (eastward.g., As explained on the previous page…) e) verbs or verb phrases which refer back to an earlier function of the text (due east.g., Equally has been discussed…)

              • Identify and correct errors with field of study and object pronouns ( H1-V.ane )
              • Discipline and object pronouns review ( H1-V.2 )
              • Pronouns later on 'than' and 'as' ( H1-5.iii )
              • Place and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H1-V.4 )
              • Form the perfect verb tenses ( H1-Y.2 )
              • Identify and correct errors with discipline and object pronouns ( H2-V.ane )
              • Discipline and object pronouns review ( H2-V.ii )
              • Pronouns subsequently 'than' and 'as' ( H2-V.iii )
              • Place and right pronoun errors with 'who' ( H2-V.four )
              • Class the perfect verb tenses ( H2-Y.2 )
            • G.LO5.1.a.1.ii referring frontwards f) use of demonstratives: this/ these (e.g., You would not believe this, simply I've never learnt to swim earlier.) grand) sure adjectives (e.g., On the adjacent street, we will find the house we are looking for.)

          • M.LO5.1.a.2 Commutation:

            • G.LO5.one.a.ii.1 use of so, not, one, do/ did, e.k.,

              • G.LO5.ane.a.two.i.a a) Are you going? I think so. b) Information technology won't happen once more. I hope not. c) I would like one (cup of coffee), delight. d) The floor needed washing. It certainly did.

            • Thousand.LO5.1.a.2.2 lexical substitution a) synonyms (e.g., I had a hurting in my calf afterwards being stung by a bee, then I applied cream to soothe the discomfort.) b) antonyms (e.yard., The expensive diamond I bought turned out to be a cheap stone.) c) hyponyms (east.g., Knowing that Mei's favourite colour was red, her friends gave her a cute crimson skirt for her birthday.)

          • G.LO5.one.a.3 Ellipsis:

            • G.LO5.1.a.3.one have, exist, exercise, e.chiliad., a) Information technology looks similar we have lost our way. Yeah, nosotros have [lost our way]. b) Mayhap, she'due south joining us. Yes, she is [joining united states of america]. c) Do you want to join us? I do [want to join you].

            • G.LO5.1.a.3.2 contrasting tenses (due east.g., I never liked durians. I still don't [like durians].)

            • G.LO5.i.a.3.three question words (e.g., Shall nosotros talk? Why [should we talk]?)

            • Thousand.LO5.one.a.three.4 understanding (east.g., Lina enjoys playing tennis. So do I [bask playing tennis].)

          • K.LO5.1.a.iv Conjunction:

            • Chiliad.LO5.1.a.4.1 additive: again, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, furthermore (e.thousand., I do non like soft drinks. John would prefer h2o as well.)

            • Chiliad.LO5.1.a.4.2 contrastive: but, even so, yet, nevertheless, on the reverse (e.g., Soft drinks taste good. Notwithstanding, water is better for you.)

            • G.LO5.1.a.iv.three time: and so, previously, after (e.g., We entered the hotel we had stayed at previously.)

            • G.LO5.1.a.4.4 listing: first, then, adjacent, finally (due east.chiliad., First, add the sugar to the butter. Then, break the egg.)

            • M.LO5.1.a.four.five resultative: since, consequently, therefore (e.g., Information technology began to rain. Consequently, I could not become for the walk which I had been looking forwards to.)

            • Chiliad.LO5.1.a.iv.half dozen concessive: nonetheless, anyway, anyway, however (eastward.thousand., Lina likes soft drinks. However, she agrees that water is the healthier choice.)

            • G.LO5.1.a.4.7 inference: otherwise, and so, in that example (e.m., Y'all do not want this bag? Can I take it, so?)

            • G.LO5.one.a.4.eight summative: birthday, overall (due east.g., It rained a lot but nosotros had fun. Overall, it was a good holiday.)

          • G.LO5.1.a.5 Repetition of structures (eastward.thou., I came. I saw. I conquered.)

      • G.LO5.2 Language Features of Types of Texts (Secondary)

        • G.LO5.ii.a Poesy

          • G.LO5.2.a.1 inversions, repetitions and parallel structures for giving an issue of rhythm

          • 1000.LO5.2.a.2 repetitions for reinforcing ideas

          • G.LO5.ii.a.3 manipulation of punctuation for conveying meaning

        • G.LO5.2.b Personal Recounts

          • Grand.LO5.2.b.1 adjectives, adjective phrases and clauses for producing vivid descriptions of participants and setting

            • Class and employ comparative and peak adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Good, better, best, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.2 )
            • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H2-Z.1 )
            • Skillful, ameliorate, all-time, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.2 )
          • Thousand.LO5.2.b.two adverbs and adverbials@ for describing how an activity has been carried out

            • Class and use comparative and superlative adverbs ( H1-Z.3 )
            • Well, ameliorate, all-time, badly, worse and worst ( H1-Z.4 )
            • Form and use comparative and elevation adverbs ( H2-Z.three )
            • Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst ( H2-Z.4 )
          • Thousand.LO5.two.b.3 connectors for showing sequence of events

          • M.LO5.2.b.4 direct and indirect spoken language for variation and calculation interest

          • One thousand.LO5.2.b.5 use of the continuous for providing aspectual dissimilarity

            • Form the progressive verb tenses ( H1-Y.one )
            • Form the progressive verb tenses ( H2-Y.1 )
          • G.LO5.2.b.6 nouns, noun phrases and clauses (eastward.k., participants, objects)

            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.3 )
          • K.LO5.2.b.vii prepositions and prepositional phrases

            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H2-U.two )
          • K.LO5.2.b.eight apply of first-person pronouns

            • Place and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H1-Five.1 )
            • Bailiwick and object pronouns review ( H1-V.ii )
            • Pronouns afterwards 'than' and 'equally' ( H1-V.3 )
            • Place and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H2-V.one )
            • Subject and object pronouns review ( H2-V.ii )
            • Pronouns after 'than' and 'as' ( H2-Five.3 )
          • Thousand.LO5.ii.b.nine mental verbs for cocky-reflection (e.g., I believe I was right.)

        • G.LO5.two.c Narratives

          • G.LO5.2.c.1 adjectives, adjective phrases and clauses for producing vivid descriptions of participants and setting

            • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Good, better, all-time, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.2 )
            • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H2-Z.1 )
            • Skilful, better, best, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.two )
          • One thousand.LO5.2.c.2 adverbs and adverbials@ for describing how an activeness has been carried out

            • Form and utilize comparative and superlative adverbs ( H1-Z.three )
            • Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst ( H1-Z.4 )
            • Course and use comparative and height adverbs ( H2-Z.3 )
            • Well, improve, best, badly, worse and worst ( H2-Z.4 )
          • G.LO5.ii.c.3 connectors for showing sequence of events

          • G.LO5.two.c.4 straight and indirect spoken language for variation and calculation involvement

          • M.LO5.2.c.five utilize of the continuous for providing aspectual contrast

            • Grade the progressive verb tenses ( H1-Y.1 )
            • Grade the progressive verb tenses ( H2-Y.one )
          • G.LO5.ii.c.6 nouns, noun phrases and clauses (e.g., participants, objects)

            • Place appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.three )
          • G.LO5.2.c.7 prepositions and prepositional phrases

            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H2-U.2 )
          • K.LO5.2.c.eight use of pronouns for building cohesion

            • Place and correct errors with subject field and object pronouns ( H1-V.i )
            • Discipline and object pronouns review ( H1-V.2 )
            • Pronouns later on 'than' and 'as' ( H1-V.three )
            • Place and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H1-V.4 )
            • Use relative pronouns: who and whom ( H1-Five.5 )
            • Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that ( H1-V.6 )
            • Place vague pronoun references ( H1-Five.7 )
            • Place all of the possible antecedents ( H1-V.eight )
            • Identify and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H2-V.1 )
            • Subject and object pronouns review ( H2-V.2 )
            • Pronouns later 'than' and 'equally' ( H2-V.3 )
            • Identify and right pronoun errors with 'who' ( H2-5.4 )
            • Use relative pronouns: who and whom ( H2-Five.5 )
            • Employ relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that ( H2-V.vi )
            • Identify vague pronoun references ( H2-V.7 )
            • Identify all of the possible antecedents ( H2-V.8 )
          • G.LO5.2.c.ix action verbs and mental verbs for conveying the proceedings

          • G.LO5.2.c.10 existential sentences

        • G.LO5.2.d Procedures

          • One thousand.LO5.2.d.1 adjectives, adjective phrases and clauses for describing materials and objects

            • Grade and use comparative and elevation adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Good, better, best, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.two )
            • Grade and use comparative and peak adjectives ( H2-Z.1 )
            • Good, meliorate, best, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.2 )
          • G.LO5.2.d.2 connectors for showing sequence in steps

          • G.LO5.2.d.3 nouns, noun phrases and clauses (due east.g., ingredients in recipes)

            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.3 )
          • Yard.LO5.ii.d.4 quantifiers for indicating amounts of ingredients and materials

          • K.LO5.2.d.5 apply of the unproblematic nowadays for indicating the timeless nature of procedures

          • Chiliad.LO5.2.d.6 imperatives for eliciting activeness

          • Thou.LO5.ii.d.7 verb phrases

            • Identify participles and what they modify ( H1-W.3 )
            • Place gerunds and their functions ( H1-W.4 )
            • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H1-W.5 )
            • Identify participles and what they alter ( H2-Due west.three )
            • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H2-W.iv )
            • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H2-W.5 )
        • G.LO5.ii.e Notes, Letters, Email and Notices

          • One thousand.LO5.ii.e.1 adverbs and adverbials for providing more details

            • Form and use comparative and summit adverbs ( H1-Z.3 )
            • Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst ( H1-Z.4 )
            • Course and employ comparative and tiptop adverbs ( H2-Z.3 )
            • Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst ( H2-Z.4 )
          • G.LO5.2.due east.two contractions of verb forms and modal auxiliaries for conveying a level of informality

          • G.LO5.ii.e.3 model auxiliaries for conveying a polite tone

          • G.LO5.two.eastward.4 prepositions and prepositional phrases

            • Place prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H2-U.2 )
          • G.LO5.2.east.5 pronouns for specific participants

            • Identify and right errors with subject and object pronouns ( H1-V.1 )
            • Subject and object pronouns review ( H1-Five.2 )
            • Pronouns after 'than' and 'as' ( H1-V.3 )
            • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H1-Five.4 )
            • Use relative pronouns: who and whom ( H1-V.5 )
            • Apply relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that ( H1-V.half dozen )
            • Identify and correct errors with subject field and object pronouns ( H2-V.1 )
            • Subject area and object pronouns review ( H2-V.2 )
            • Pronouns afterwards 'than' and 'as' ( H2-Five.3 )
            • Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who' ( H2-V.4 )
            • Utilize relative pronouns: who and whom ( H2-V.five )
            • Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that ( H2-V.6 )
          • Yard.LO5.2.e.half-dozen questions, answers and negative sentences for making requests and responses

          • Grand.LO5.2.e.7 a range of tenses

            • Form the progressive verb tenses ( H1-Y.one )
            • Grade the perfect verb tenses ( H1-Y.2 )
            • Grade the progressive verb tenses ( H2-Y.1 )
            • Form the perfect verb tenses ( H2-Y.ii )
        • Yard.LO5.two.f Factual Recounts

          • 1000.LO5.2.f.1 adjectives, adjective phrases and clauses for producing bright descriptions of participants and setting

            • Form and use comparative and meridian adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Good, meliorate, best, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.ii )
            • Form and use comparative and height adjectives ( H2-Z.1 )
            • Good, amend, best, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.ii )
          • G.LO5.2.f.2 connectors for indicating a sequence of events

          • One thousand.LO5.two.f.3 nouns, noun phrases and clauses (e.g., participants, objects)

            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H1-U.3 )
            • Identify appositives and appositive phrases ( H2-U.iii )
          • G.LO5.2.f.4 passive voice for conveying an objective tone

            • Identify active and passive voice ( S4-L.ane )
          • G.LO5.2.f.5 prepositions and prepositional phrases

            • Place prepositional phrases ( H1-U.2 )
            • Identify prepositional phrases ( H2-U.two )
          • 1000.LO5.2.f.6 3rd-person pronouns

            • Identify and correct errors with discipline and object pronouns ( H1-Five.1 )
            • Pronouns after 'than' and 'equally' ( H1-V.3 )
            • Identify vague pronoun references ( H1-V.7 )
            • Identify all of the possible antecedents ( H1-V.8 )
            • Place and correct errors with subject and object pronouns ( H2-V.i )
            • Pronouns afterwards 'than' and 'every bit' ( H2-V.iii )
            • Identify vague pronoun references ( H2-V.7 )
            • Identify all of the possible antecedents ( H2-5.eight )
          • K.LO5.2.f.seven quantifiers for providing specific details, numbers and amounts

          • G.LO5.two.f.8 activity verbs and mental verbs for conveying a diversity of meanings

        • G.LO5.2.g Information Reports

          • G.LO5.ii.g.1 adjectives, describing word phrases and clauses for clarity in descriptions of participants and setting

            • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Skillful, better, best, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.2 )
            • Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H2-Z.1 )
            • Adept, amend, best, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.2 )
          • G.LO5.2.chiliad.2 language for comparing, contrasting, defining and classifying to indicate relationships between facts

            • Grade and use comparative and superlative adjectives ( H1-Z.1 )
            • Good, meliorate, best, bad, worse and worst ( H1-Z.two )
            • Grade and use comparative and meridian adverbs ( H1-Z.3 )
            • Well, meliorate, best, badly, worse and worst ( H1-Z.iv )
            • Form and apply comparative and superlative adjectives ( H2-Z.i )
            • Good, better, best, bad, worse and worst ( H2-Z.2 )
            • Grade and utilise comparative and acme adverbs ( H2-Z.3 )
            • Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst ( H2-Z.iv )
          • G.LO5.2.grand.3 3rd-person pronouns for conveying a sense of distance and objectivity

            • Place and correct errors with discipline and object pronouns ( H1-V.one )
            • Pronouns after 'than' and 'as' ( H1-V.iii )
            • Place vague pronoun references ( H1-V.7 )
            • Identify all of the possible antecedents ( H1-V.8 )
            • Identify and correct errors with subject field and object pronouns ( H2-Five.ane )
            • Pronouns after 'than' and 'as' ( H2-V.3 )
            • Identify vague pronoun references ( H2-V.7 )
            • Identify all of the possible antecedents ( H2-V.8 )
          • G.LO5.2.g.four use of the simple nowadays for indicating the timeless nature of facts

          • G.LO5.two.grand.5 action verbs, mental verbs and linking verbs for conveying a variety of meanings

            • Identify transitive and intransitive verbs ( H1-West.1 )
            • Place linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H1-W.ii )
            • Identify transitive and intransitive verbs ( H2-W.1 )
            • Place linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H2-Due west.2 )
        • Chiliad.LO5.2.h Explanations

          • G.LO5.2.h.one connectors for showing cause and effect

          • G.LO5.2.h.two passive vocalism for conferring authority and distance

            • Identify active and passive voice ( S4-Fifty.1 )
          • Grand.LO5.ii.h.3 use of the simple present for timeless statements

          • Chiliad.LO5.2.h.4 action verbs and sensing verbs for conveying a variety of meanings

          • G.LO5.ii.h.v verb phrases

            • Identify transitive and intransitive verbs ( H1-W.1 )
            • Place linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H1-W.ii )
            • Identify participles and what they change ( H1-W.3 )
            • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H1-West.4 )
            • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H1-W.v )
            • Class the progressive verb tenses ( H1-Y.ane )
            • Grade the perfect verb tenses ( H1-Y.ii )
            • Place transitive and intransitive verbs ( H2-W.1 )
            • Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H2-W.ii )
            • Identify participles and what they modify ( H2-W.3 )
            • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H2-W.4 )
            • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H2-Westward.v )
            • Course the progressive verb tenses ( H2-Y.1 )
            • Course the perfect verb tenses ( H2-Y.2 )
        • G.LO5.two.i Expositions

          • G.LO5.2.i.i connectors for showing reason and explaining crusade and effect, status and choice

          • G.LO5.2.i.two passive voice when agent is understood or obvious

            • Identify active and passive voice ( S4-Fifty.one )
          • One thousand.LO5.2.i.3 use of the elementary present for conveying timeless statements and facts

          • G.LO5.two.i.4 modals for persuasive effect and hedging

          • G.LO5.2.i.5 mental verbs for conveying a viewpoint

          • G.LO5.2.i.six verb phrases

            • Identify transitive and intransitive verbs ( H1-Westward.ane )
            • Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H1-W.2 )
            • Identify participles and what they modify ( H1-W.three )
            • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H1-W.4 )
            • Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H1-W.five )
            • Course the progressive verb tenses ( H1-Y.1 )
            • Form the perfect verb tenses ( H1-Y.2 )
            • Place transitive and intransitive verbs ( H2-West.1 )
            • Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns ( H2-West.ii )
            • Identify participles and what they modify ( H2-W.iii )
            • Identify gerunds and their functions ( H2-W.iv )
            • Place infinitives and infinitive phrases ( H2-West.5 )
            • Form the progressive verb tenses ( H2-Y.1 )
            • Class the perfect verb tenses ( H2-Y.2 )
          • G.LO5.2.i.7 rhetorical questions and repetition for persuasion


Source: https://sg.ixl.com/standards/english/higher-1?documentId=2020000191&subsetId=2020000837

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